increible historia sobrevivir en la isla de las serpientes mas peligrosa del mundo durante 48 horas

Es un fenómeno y una atracción de Manitoba que tienes que ver para creer… ¡y definitivamente te recomendamos que dejes atrás tu miedo a las serpientes por este! Los Narcisse Snake Dens son una exhibición increíble de la naturaleza en su forma más salvaje y extraña, y verlos es fácilmente una de las cosas más singulares y mejores que se pueden hacer en Manitoba. Cada primavera, decenas de miles de culebras de liga de lados rojos emergen de sus guaridas de invierno para aparearse, creando todo un espectáculo; de hecho, es la mayor concentración conocida de culebras de liga de lados rojos en el mundo, y está justo aquí en Manitoba.

Bola de apareamiento en Narcisse Snake Dens

Indiana Jones’ worst nightmare, thousands of snakes can be seen wriggling, slithering, and writhing together in huge mating balls, sometimes making it impossible to see where one snake ends and another begins. Interested in seeing this unbelievable (albeit slightly bizarre) sight for yourself? We’ve put together a guide on everything you need to know about how to see the Narcisse Snake Dens.

Land Acknowledgements

Narcisse is located on Treaty No. 1, the original lands and waters of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininiwak, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.

Everything You Need to Know

What are the Narcisse Snake Dens?

Before you find out where they are and when you should go, you might be asking: what exactly are the Narcisse snake dens, and why should I go see them? As mentioned, the dens contain the largest concentration of red-sided garter snakes in the world, and the dens are connected by three kilometres of a self-guided interpretive trail that you can follow. While the snakes remain cozy in their dens for the cold winter, come spring they emerge for their annual mating ritual. The male snakes usually come out of the dens first, patiently awaiting the larger females to come to the surface.

Culebra de liga en Narcisse Snake Dens

When this happens, tens of thousands of garter snakes form multiple mating balls, essentially a huge mass of writhing snakes. One female snake can be enveloped by up to one hundred male snakes in a mating ball, and it truly is a sight you need to see to believe. Trust us… this is the kind of thing you won’t see anywhere else!

After their mating season, the snakes disperse into the nearby marshland for the summer season before returning to their dens in September.

Where are they?

Narcisse is a small community found on Provincial Trunk Highway 17 in Manitoba’s Interlake region; the dens themselves are found approximately six kilometres north of Narcisse. You can’t miss it… just keep your eyes out for the large Narcisse Snake Dens sign! Found about 100 kilometres north of downtown Winnipeg or 50 kilometres west of Gimli, it’s the perfect spot for a day trip.

sosteniendo una serpiente
Handling the snakes at the Narcisse Dens – photo provided by Travel Manitoba

When is the best time to visit the Narcisse Snake Dens?

There is only a short time period when you can visit the Narcisse Snake Dens at their most active. Once the Narcisse snakes emerge from their winter dens, there’s a small window of time to see them mate. The length and temperature of the winter will determine when exactly the snakes come out of their dens, but there’s an online resource where you can check their status.

It’s safe to say they usually make their appearance by mid-May, but they can sometimes emerge in late April or in late May, depending on the weather conditions. The mating ritual lasts anywhere from one to three weeks, so it’s we definitely recommend checking their activity online before visiting so you don’t miss the experience.

Bolas de apareamiento de serpientes en Manitoba Narcisse Snake Dens
Mating Balls at the Narcisse Snake Dens – photo provided by Travel Manitoba

There’s also a brief period of time from mid to late September when the snakes return to their dens to prepare for the winter months, although you won’t witness the mating season. The spring emergence is definitely the time to see the Narcisse snakes.

That being said, the site is open all year, although you won’t see the snakes in any of the other months.

What time of day is best to see the Narcisse snakes?

The snakes don’t usually become active until mid-morning, so it’s best to plan your snake viewing for mid-morning until mid-afternoon. The weather also makes a huge difference in how active the snakes are; warm, sunny days are best in order to see the snakes in all their glory. On cold and/or cloudy days, the snakes won’t be very active.

Serpientes en las rocas al sol.
Snakes on the rocks in the sun at the Narcisse Snake Dens – photo provided by Travel Manitoba

Can you pick up the snakes?

Even though garter snakes are completely harmless, we recommend that you do not touch the snakes and view them at a safe distance from the viewing platforms. You are technically allowed to handle the snakes at the Narcisse dens, but we at Road Trip Manitoba believe in a “look, don’t touch” mentality when it comes to wildlife.

If you truly want to touch one of the snakes, try to find a volunteer at the dens to show you the proper way to handle them in order to minimize any stress on the snake.

Serpiente en el hombro
A snake on the shoulder of a staff member – photo provided by Travel Manitoba

How much does it cost?

Nothing! Visiting the Narcisse snake dens is absolutely free, as is parking at the site.

Where do you park to see the Narcisse Snake Dens?

There is a free parking lot onsite, and it is only a short walk (300 metres) to the beginning of the dens themselves. Note that sometimes the trails are muddy, so wear appropriate shoes.

Serpiente de liga

What amenities are onsite?

The site itself is very basic. There are no concession stands, so make sure to bring your own drinking water and food. While there are outhouses onsite, they are very primitive; you may want to bring your own toilet paper just in case. We also recommend bringing sunscreen as the trails can get very sunny during the day.

Are the Narcisse Snake Dens wheelchair and stroller accessible?

Yes, the dens are wheelchair accessible and stroller friendly. The trails themselves are made of limestone bedrock gravel, and are very flat. Please note that bicycles are not allowed on the trails.

Serpiente de liga solitaria
Garter Snake – photo provided by Travel Manitoba

Are the Narcisse Snake Dens suitable for children?

As mentioned, the trails are good for strollers. While the area is flat, younger children may still find the trails tiring, so consider bringing a stroller or visiting when your little ones are a bit older. And of course, make sure your children aren’t scared of snakes… with so many snakes, it can be overwhelming for skittish kids!

Can I bring my dog to see the snakes?

Yes, but please keep them on a leash at all times!

Serpientes en Narcisse Snake Dens
Narcisse Snake Dens – photo provided by Travel Manitoba

What else is there to do at the Narcisse dens?

Hay buena observación de aves cerca de las guaridas; de hecho, no se sorprenda si ve algunas serpientes muertas, ya que las aves las atacan por su hígado. También hay algunos hermosos prados de flores cerca, así como la estatua gigante de la serpiente de liga en Inwood (27 kilómetros al sur de las guaridas). Si necesita una parada técnica, las comunidades cercanas, como Inwood y Teulon, tienen estaciones de servicio y restaurantes.

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